Friday, August 12, 2016

Ithaca Criminal defense attorney: What does it mean to get "into evidence" at trial in NY?

What does it mean to get
"into evidence" at a trial
in New York?

In this video, Ithaca Criminal defense attorney Mike Cyr explains what it means to get something "into evidence" at trial in New York...

Every single piece of evidence must meet certain NY evidence rules and procedures to be seen or heard by a Judge or a Jury --and considered when the they are determining the outcome of the case.  

Our job as criminal defense attorneys is to evaluate whether or not the prosecutor will likely be able to get their evidence to be seen by a Judge or Jury in NY.  We must do that evaluation in every single case we defend. 

If you have questions about a criminal case or DWI case in NY, call us:  



Or find us online!

DISCLAIMER:  If you or a loved one is charged with a crime in NY, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to help lessen the possible negative outcomes of the charge--including the potential loss of your freedom. 

*Attorney advertising

*Educational Purposes only. Copyright 2016 NEWMAN & CYR PLLC.