Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ithaca Watkins Glen Lawyer: Why Aggravated DWI is a BIG DEAL in New York

in New York

In this video, I explain what the big deal is about Aggravated DWI in New York State.  

Aggravated DWI is over 0.18% Blood Alcohol Concentration in NY.   If you are charged with this crime, the Judge, prosecutor, and possibly a jury will assume that you have a SERIOUS ALCOHOL PROBLEM.   

If the prosecutor believes this (and the Judge), then it is likely they will want to put you on PROBATION.   Probation in New York is pretty horrible.  It is 3 years of closely monitored supervision by your local government.  They can enter your home without permission, not allow you to drink alcohol or any other drugs for 3 years, go to a bar, or any number of inconvenient and painful infringements upon your liberty.  Probation may also cause you to have to stay in that county for up to 3 years (can't move or change jobs).  It's terrible. 

So, if you are charged with Agg. DWI --be sure to consult with a local, licensed attorney who focuses on DWI defense.  If you have questions about a DWI or Aggravated DWI case, call us at:


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*DISCLAIMER:  This video is not intended as legal advice.  If you are charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney immediately. 

BY Attorney Mike Cyr
Copyright 2015