Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ithaca Elmira DWI lawyer explains: the PRESUMPTION that you're DRUNK at 08% in New York

THE LEGAL PRESUMPTION THAT YOU'RE "legally intoxicated" at 0.08% BAC or HIGHER in NEW YORK

This video explains a basic legal presumption of DWI law in New York... 

If you give a breath or blood sample and the machine spits out 0.08% or will be PRESUMED that you were LEGALLY INTOXICATED.  

However, the problem is that sometimes you either MORE INTOXICATED or LESS INTOXICATED based on what phase of alcohol absorption your body is in when you give the sample. 

You could have been less impaired when driving...or you could have been more intoxicated...this is important to recognize because your BLOOD-ALCOHOL ratio changes over time.  

BY:  Attorney Mike Cyr

P:  607-229-5184

Twitter:   @ithacadwi