How do these things go together?
Well, I'm gonna make a leap here... It's Easter Sunday, and you eat eggs on Easter...who else eats a lot of eggs?
PEOPLE ON LOW CARB DIETS .... like Atkins and South Beach.
So who cares?
If you are on a low carb diet, then your body is hopefully in a fat burning state called KETOSIS.
What happens to a DWI BREATH TEST if somebody is in the state of KETOSIS?
The test gets screwed up! In Ithaca, the police use a breath test machine that relies on "Light absorption spectrometry." This system's results can be skewed by KETONES in a person's breath --that the machine mistakes for ETHANOL molecules. If the machine mistakes the KETONES for alcohol molecules, then the test result will be higher than it should be.
--Summary Thoughts---
If you're on a low carb diet, and are in Ketosis (or suspect that you could be), be sure to tell the police officer if they want to run a breath test on you, and BE SURE TO TELL YOUR LAWYER. This information could really help your case.
P: 607-229-5184
BY: Attorney Mike Cyr
P: 607-229-5184
E: mike.ithacadwi@gmail.com
Twitter: @ithacadwi