Saturday, July 30, 2016

are so BAD in New York!

In this video, Attorney Mike Cyr explains why school zone tickets are SO BAD in New York!  

Everything is heightened with a school zone ticket because of the potential danger to school age children.   Additionally, your car insurance company is going to react much worse to a school zone ticket --and likely raise your rates substantially--than a regular speeding ticket.   

These tickets are harder to do it yourself too --because Prosecutors generally don't want to hear your excuses for putting kids in danger. 

If you have questions about a School Zone Ticket or any other Ticket in New York, call us:



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DISCLAIMER:  If you or a loved one is charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to help lessen the possible negative outcomes --including the potential loss of your freedom! 

*Attorney advertising
*Educational Purposes Only.  Copyright Newman & Cyr PLLC 2016.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Ithaca Criminal Defense lawyer: Can you get RECKLESS DRIVING VTL 1212 for Speeding in NY?

Can you get 
for Speeding in New York?

In this video, Attorney Mike Cyr explains how you can get charged with a VTL 1212 Reckless Driving charge in New York for Speeding coupled with other factors...

If you are Speeding AND: 

1.  Poor weather conditions

2.  Anger the Police Officer

3.  Totality of the Circumstances (officer sees you do a bunch of violations, may just charge you with 1 misdemeanor VTL 1212 Reckless Driving!) 

If you are charged with VTL 1212 Reckless Driving or any other traffic violation or crime in New York, call us:


By Newman & Cyr
The DWI Attorneys

Find us online:

DISCLAIMER:  If you or a loved one is charged with a crime in NY, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to help lessen the possible negative outcomes of your charges--including the potential loss of your freedom! 

*Attorney advertising

*Educational Purposes Only. Copyright Newman & Cyr PLLC 2016.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ithaca Watkins Glen DWI lawyer: Using TIMING to Defend DWI in New York

Using TIMING to Defend DWI 
in New York

In this video, Attorney Larry Newman discusses how we use TIMING to help defend DWI cases in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York.  

We had a specific case where a guy was given a blood test BEYOND 2 hours from the time of arrest.  In NY, they're supposed to give a blood or breath test from the time of the Road side breath test (Preliminary breath test or PBT) or the time of arrest.  This is not a mandatory rule--but it can be used as persuasive.   

If a test is given MORE than 2 hours from arrest or roadside test, then we are allowed to argue that the test is NOT reliable, accurate, or truthful, and we can make that argument to the jury.  

In the case Larry discusses, we were successful in filing motions and getting a great reduction offer just before a trial because we were willing to push the prosecutor and make a solid argument for our client.  As Larry mentioned, no two cases have the exact same result, but this strategy can be successful in other cases. 

If you have a question about a DWI case in New York, call us:  607-229-5184.  

Copyright 2016

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DISCLAIMER:  If you or a loved one is charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to help lessen the possible negative outcomes --including the loss of your freedom! 

*Attorney advertising
*Educational purposes only.  Copyright Newman & Cyr 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ithaca Criminal defense lawyer: Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in 7th degree at GRASSROOTS Festival NY!

Criminal Possession of a Controlled
Substance in the 7th Degree
charges for many!

Grassroots Music Festival was this past weekend, it is a Trumansburg tradition to go relax and enjoy the music. Drinking alcohol and smoking pot are the drugs du jour or at least they used to be.  These days the kids are dabbling in Molly, coke, and of all things Adderall. Mixing them all up is not a good recipe.  

Even Law Enforcement has Their Limits

People seem to have developed a laissez faire attitude to walking around the festival and partaking. These days feeling as though the police don’t care (and won’t arrest) about what happens at Grass Roots is not true.

Pot Arrests are Down but Drug Arrests are Up

In the past, we saw a more marijuana related offenses, DWI alcohol for those driving home, and even a few DWAI drugs charges for those driving home high and not drunk. It appears that this year marks the first time that the most common arrest was for Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 7th degree. That means having something other than marijuana in your possession although concentrated forms of cannabis can also be charged as a controlled substance. In New York State, pot is not a controlled substance unless it is in a highly condensed form.

Possession in the 7th Degree Can Be Charged in a Number of Ways

The charge can also arise if you have prescription drugs in your possession without the script as in not in their original container. In New York, even legal drugs must be carried with proof that they are for you and not someone else.

Private Security Inside and Public Law Enforcement Outside

The festival is monitored in a number of ways both internally and externally.
Inside they have private security guards. They seem to look the other way with marijuana as long as it out of public view. They are not as forgiving for some of the other harder substances being used. That is the reason the police have been notified when people are displaying (or not keeping private) these other drugs.

Local law enforcement is on the look out for meth, heroin, acid, and cocaine. They stay posted right outside the gates of Grassroots to keep the peace, and to arrest those distributing or using these other drugs.

Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 7th Degree is a Misdemeanor. It is punishable by up to a year in jail, three years of community monitoring and supervision, forced treatment and rehabilitation for a drug/alcohol problem, a zero tolerance for use of any alcohol and/or drugs for three years with surprise testing.

The biggest problem with any criminal drug charge is that your private life becomes open to public view and prosecutorial scrutiny.

If you have questions about Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in 7th degree charge or any other NY drug charges, call us:  607-229-5184

By Larry Newman

Copyright 2016

Find us online!

DISCLAIMER:  If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to lessen the possible negative outcomes from the charge --including the potential loss of your freedom. 

*Attorney advertising
*Educational Purposes Only.  Copyright Newman & Cyr PLLC 2016

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ithaca Cortland DWI defense attorney: Can they prove Reckless Driving VTL 1212 by Speed Alone in NY?

Can They Prove 
by Speed Alone in New York?

In this video, Ithaca defense attorney Mike Cyr explains that the government needs more evidence than Speed by itself to prove RECKLESS DRIVING in New York. 

Although fast speeds can be considered "reckless" by themselves --in a legal sense, there must be other factors for a NY prosecutor to be able to prove Reckless Driving VTL 1212 (a misdemeanor level offense). 

At it's most basic, the prosecutor must prove that the PUBLIC WAS PUT IN DANGER BY YOUR BEHAVIOR based on the facts. 

If there are people around while you're going really fast--then charging you with Reckless Driving VTL 1212 could be appropriate... 

If you have questions about Reckless Driving or any other driving charge, call us:


Copyright 2016

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DISCLAIMER: If you or a loved one is charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to help lessen the negative outcomes of your case--including the potential loss of your freedom.

*Attorney advertising

*Educational Purposes Only. Copyright Newman & Cyr 2016.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Ithaca Watkins Glen DWI lawyer: Can the Prosecutor ADD charges later in a case in New York?

Can the Prosecutor
ADD CHARGES after a person
has been arrested, charged, and released
in New York?

In this video, DWI defense attorney Mike Cyr explains how a Prosecutor can ADD CHARGES to a case even AFTER a Defendant has been arrested, charged, and released... 

In New York, the Prosecutor has the absolute power to ADD charges (as long as the facts meet the elements of the crime) at any time prior to trial. 

Sometimes (very occasionally) the Police will NOT charge somebody with every single charge that they could legally... HOWEVER, it is NOT the police officer's final call as to what the ultimate charges will is up to the District Attorney! 

If the DA feels like it, they can add or INCREASE any charge they feel they can legally prove beyond a reasonable doubt. That's why it is important to understand that the charges at the start of a case are not necessarily the charges that will be filed before the END of a case. 

If you have questions about a DWI or criminal defense case, call us:

BY Newman & Cyr, PLLC
Copyright 2016


DISCLAIMER: If you or a loved one is charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to lessen the possible negative outcomes --including the loss of your freedom. 

*Attorney advertising

*Educational Purposes only. Copyright Newman & Cyr 2016.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Ithaca Watkins Glen DWI lawyer: Why do Prosecutors OVERCHARGE Defendants in New York?


In this video, DUI defense Attorney Mike Cyr explains why New York Prosecutors tend to OVER-Charge Defendants in a criminal case. In general, there are three primary reasons they do this:

1. They don't know all the facts and evidence at the start of a case (so they charge as many things as they think MAY be prosecutable)

2. The more charges against an individual gives the Prosecutor more ammunition in a plea bargaining situation. It gives them a better shot to have a more serious charge or punishment stick.

3. It is much harder to ADD CHARGES later in a case --when a Judge must approve them --than at the beginning of a case. Plus, the Prosecutor always has the right to DISMISS charges as the case goes on...

If you have any questions about a DWI or Criminal Case in upstate New York, call us: 


Copyright 2016

Find us online!

DISCLAIMER: If you or a loved one is charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to help lessen the possible outcomes of a case --including the potential loss of your freedom! 

*Attorney advertising
*Educational purposes only. Copyright Newman & Cyr 2016.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ithaca Watkins Glen DWI lawyer: Must they do a Chemical Test within 2 hours in New York?


In this video, DWI defense attorney Mike Cyr, explains the New York "2 hour Rule" .... or what used to be the 2 hour rule...

There used to be a mandatory rule under New York State law that any chemical test (breath or blood) MUST be taken within 2 hours of arrest or taking the Preliminary Breath Test (PBT). Unfortunately, that rule has been diminished over time to now in 2016, where the "rule" is now more like a "suggestion."

Basically, if a Chemical Test is taken beyond 2 hours following an arrest or PBT, then the defense lawyer can argue that the test is too old to be reliable and accurate... we have been successful in the past using this technique on cases. 

If you have any questions about a DWI case in upstate New York, call us: 607-229-5184


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*DISCLAIMER: If you are charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed defense attorney to help lessen the possible negative outcomes of your case--including the potential loss of your freedom. 

*Attorney Advertising
*Educational purposes only. 

Copyright 2016 Newman & Cyr

Monday, July 18, 2016

Ithaca Watkins Glen DWI lawyer: What is a 20 Day Order in a New York DWI case?

What is a "20 Day Order" 
in a New York DWI case?

In this video, Attorney Larry Newman explains the definition of a 20 day Stay (aka 20 day order, or 20 day rule) in a New York DWI case. 

The 20 day order is a judicial order from a Judge at the conclusion of a DWI case in New York that grants full driving privileges for 20 days.  The reason behind the order is so a Defendant can change over their "Pre-Conviction Conditional License" to a "Post-Revocation Conditional License" at the DMV --and their driving won't be interrupted.   This is to make sure people can continue to drive to and from work.  It is an important part of the law that people be allowed to drive to their jobs. 

If you have questions about a DWI case in New York, call us:  607-229-5184.  

By Newman & Cyr, PLLC

Newman & Cyr is a boutique law firm in the Finger Lakes region of upstate, NY focusing on DWI defense.

Find us online!

DISCLAIMER:   If you are charged with a DWI or any crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed defense attorney to help lessen the possible negative outcomes of a charge...including the loss of your freedom.

*Educational purposes only.
*Attorney advertising

Copyright Newman & Cyr 2016.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Ithaca Watkins Glen DWI lawyer: Can I transfer my Florida DUI Restricted License to a New York Restricted License?

Can I transfer my FL restricted DUI license to a NY restricted License?

I just moved to NY, and am now a NYS resident but I have a DUI restricted license from Florida. I want to change over my licensure, can I?

In this instance, you can plug in any state because the answer would be the same when moving to New York

Can I go to the NYS DMV, and transfer my Florida DUI license (or any out-of-state restricted license) to become a NY restricted license?

Each state has different criteria for granting any "limited" licensure. Generally there is NOT reciprocity on this from state to state. In other words, states don't give credit or punishment for other states issues. They may have to take over a felony (criminal) level of probation (community supervision and monitoring), but asking them to take over administrative burdens is another story entirely.

You have to be fully released from FL DMV to obtain any other state licensure. You will eventually apply to the NYS DMV if you are a resident. No one in the new USA can currently hold more than one driver's license (licenses from multiple states). Having driver's licenses from more than one jurisdiction is a thing of the past.... before terrorism and the internet.

The more important issue is: do you have driving privileges in NY using a Florida restricted DUI license? 

New York will likely not recognize Florida restricted driving privileges. You could face a criminal misdemeanor if caught driving called AUO 3rd. Aggravated Unlicensed Operation. This is "knowingly" driving without a license or privilege. You could argue ignorance... but it is a danger.

Florida can't grant limited (restricted) privileges outside of FL. State to state we allow driving on any state or foreign license. but this is if there are no outstanding issues, and it is a full (complete) license. This is under full faith and credit between the states in the US Constitution.

Remember, because driving is a privilege, and not a right, the states do not have to give any privilege to drive.

Can't New York just take my Florida license, and give me a New York driver's license? 

No, unfortunately, it does not work that way. 

You cannot just surrender a FL restricted license, and get any NYS license because Florida still has a hold upon driving privileges that must be satisfied first. If FL suspended full privileges due to the DUI, and has requirements then all must be met including having only those FL restricted privileges for a time period. 

Potentially, if a person from out of state goes into the NYS DMV that could make things worse because it then shows knowledge of circumstance. Things can be complicated with license issues.

If you have questions about a DWI or DWAI Drugs case, call us:  607-229-5184

Or FInd us online!

*Newman & Cyr is a boutique law firm in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York focusing on DWI defense.

Copyright 2016

DISCLAIMER: If you or a loved one is charged with a crime or ticket, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to help protect you from any possible punishment--including the loss of your freedom.

Educational use Only.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ithaca Watkins Glen DWAI Drug attorney: When can you get a RESTRICTED USE License in New York?

Ithaca & Watkins Glen DWAI Drug defense attorney:
in New York?

In this video, Attorney Larry Newman, an Ithaca / Watkins Glen DWAI Drug attorney, explains when you can obtain a RESTRICTED USE License from the New York Department of Motor Vehicles. 

In general, there are three specific situations:

1.  If you are suspended due to getting 3 speeding tickets in 18 months  in NY

2.  11 points on license in 18 months

3.  Conviction under VTL 1192.4 Driving While Ability Impaired By Drugs 

It is important to remember that the above-situations are for a RESTRICTED USE license only.  A "Conditional License" is ONLY for alcohol-related driving offenses i.e. DWI. 

If you have questions about a DWI or DWAI Drugs case, call us:  607-229-5184

Or FInd us online!

*Newman & Cyr is a boutique law firm in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York focusing on DWI defense.

Copyright 2016

DISCLAIMER: If you or a loved one is charged with a crime or ticket, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to help protect you from any possible punishment--including the loss of your freedom.

Educational use Only.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Ithaca Criminal defense lawyer: Successful Defense of a Shoplifting charge (Petit Larceny) in Ithaca, NY -Part 3

Successful Defense of a Shoplifting charge (Petit Larceny) in Ithaca, NY -Part 3

In the prior two blog posts, we revealed the two most common courts in Tompkins county for shoplifting, how shoplifting is charged, what physically happens to an Ithaca shoplifter, and how New York shopkeeper laws are supposed to be applied.

Civil and criminal penalties are usually pursued by the big box stores (like Target and Walmart). In this final blog post we will discuss what you can do after a shoplifting charge, and what to do if you are wrongfully suspected of shoplifting. 

Petit Larceny May Not be the Only Charge

In addition to Petit Larceny charges for shoplifting you can also be charged by the prosecutor with criminal possession of stolen property in the fifth degree. Prosecutors may bring this charge even if the police do not initially charge it.

An Ithaca Defense Can Take Three Forms: Legal, Factual, and Equitable 

Legal defense to Ithaca shoplifting Charges: 

Can they prove that you intentionally removed items from the store? Did you inadvertently fail to remove them prior to leaving the store?

In other words, sometimes you forget things in a shopping cart or because of the cold weather may have a large coat, gloves, scarf, and hat in your hands. Maybe placing things in a bag or pocket was merely temporary and not intentional.

Factual defenses to Ithaca Shoplifting Charges: 

Are these items in your pocket from a prior purchase or another store? In one of the Macys' cases the woman was returning items from a prior purchase to exchange for a different size. They refused to acknowledge her receipts or check her charge cards.

Equitable defenses to Ithaca Petit Larceny Charges:

Is this a first time offense? Do you have no prior history of bad behavior? Have you returned items that were taken? Have you made good on civil penalties to the store through their attorneys? 

Often Petit Larceny charges can be plea bargained, records preserved, and punishments averted or at least mitigated. Sometimes Petit Larceny charges can be reduced to something non-criminal, like a violation level offense or even ACD's meaning the case is adjourned in contemplation of a complete dismissal.

Prior results do not guarantee future results always consult with an attorney in your area to discuss your legal rights and options.

If you have questions about a criminal charge in Ithaca, NY call us:


Or find us online!

Copyright 2016. Educational Purposes Only.

*DISCLAIMER: If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to lessen the possible
 negative outcomes, including the potential loss of your freedom.

*Attorney advertising

Friday, July 8, 2016

Ithaca Criminal defense lawyer: What Happens if you are Caught or Suspected of Shoplifting (Petit Larceny) in Ithaca, NY - Part 2

What Happens if you are 
CAUGHT or SUSPECTED of Shoplifting
(Petit Larceny) in Ithaca, NY - Part 2

In Ithaca, shoplifting (even amongst those with the ability to pay) is one of those spur of the moment crimes. Remember in New York State, Petit Larceny is a crime not just a non-criminal violation. A conviction will lead to a permanent record of dishonesty. A record like this is not a good thing to carry with you into the future. Any crime or behavior that demonstrates or represents a person's character in a bad light can impact their future.   

Shoplifting is Often a Crime of Opportunity

We often see it as a crime of opportunity. Busy store, lots of people, small merchandise, so the mental pattern of entitlement begins with they make plenty of money, and no one will be hurt. Many who shoplift get away with it numerous times before they are eventually caught.

Four Things Happen to Ithaca Shoplifters

People who are suspected of shoplifting:

1. Will be detained, blocked, and then asked to go to a room or holding area;
2. Will be asked to empty their pockets, and have their purses and bags searched;
3. The police will be called, and the store will formally press charges;
4. You will usually get a letter in the mail from store attorneys to request a civil penalty. 

Ithaca Shoplifting can Bring Civil as well as Criminal Penalties 

Under New York State General Obligation Law Section 11-105 the store's attorneys can make a civil demand of up to five times the value of the items stolen or up to a maximum amount of $500. Law firms for the store send a demand letter for money. This demand letter usually is mailed to home address weeks after the incident, and before you are to appear in court on the charges.

The good intent of the civil penalty law was to encourage shopkeepers to pursue money damages against shoplifters. This was supposed to be instead of the pursuit of criminal charges not the addition of criminal charges. It also was not to be used to coerce confessions of guilt.

Macy's Used the Shopkeeper's Law in Ways It was NOT Originally Intended 

What happened in the Macy's shoplifting case was that Macy's had been holding thousands of people against their will for long periods of time, denying them communication with family, friends, or an attorney, and then coercing them (making them) sign confessions and pay on the spot this civil penalty. This was not the intention of the New York State legislature when enacting General Business Law section 11-105, and shopkeeper's privilege section 218.

In Part 3, we explore the successful defense of an Ithaca Petit Larceny Charge...  

If you have questions about a criminal charge in Ithaca, NY call us:


Or find us online!

Copyright 2016. Educational Purposes Only.

*DISCLAIMER: If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to lessen the possible
 negative outcomes, including the potential loss of your freedom.

*Attorney advertising

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ithaca Criminal Defense lawyer: The Truth About Shoplifting (Petit Larceny) in Ithaca, NY -Part 1

The TRUTH About Shoplifting (Petit Larceny) in Ithaca, NY- Part 1

A recent New York Supreme Court decision of Orellana v. Macy's, brought to mind how New York State businesses, and Ithaca businesses deal with shoplifters or should handle shoplifting crimes. As so often is the case, the laws that were legislated have been misinterpreted, and used in ways that are against the public interest.

Petit Larceny is Shoplifting

Whether you steal or take or conceal a dollar pack of gum or a package of razor blades costing $35.00 (yeah they are that expensive) it is still considered the crime of Petit Larceny. All the way up to $1,000 you are still at the Petit (small) level of crime. Petit or commonly called "Petty" Larceny is a criminal misdemeanor in New York State Penal Law. 

The Two Busiest Ithaca Courts for Shoplifting 

The most common Courts in Tompkins county for prosecuting shoplifting charges are Ithaca City Court because of the big box stores located off Route 13 (Elmira Road), and up in Lansing Town Court because of the Ithaca mall off Hanshaw Road. Common items for college student to take are small and expensive items like cosmetics, toiletries, and jewelry. These prove easy to take, and to conceal in  pocket, purse, or bag. 

The Ithaca Shopkeeper's Privilege 

Under New York General Business Law business owners have a legal privilege also referred to as the shopkeeper's rule. This allows an owner to detain a person they suspect of shoplifting for a reasonable time, and in a reasonable manner to investigate theft of items. 

"Reasonable" Time and Manner are Always Up for Interpretation

Many stores like Target and Walmart have their own security details. Believe it or not people are often surprised that the guy that looked like a homeless, jobless junkie turns out to be store security. They are that stealth with long hair, beards, and body jewelry. The guy or girl you think stalking you may in fact be store security. 

Next up, What Happens if You are Caught or Suspected of Shoplifting in Ithaca?

If you have questions about a criminal charge in Ithaca, NY call us:


Or find us online!

Copyright 2016. Educational Purposes Only.

*DISCLAIMER: If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, we strongly urge you to consult with a local, licensed criminal defense attorney to lessen the possible
 negative outcomes, including the potential loss of your freedom.

*Attorney advertising